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FTAAAD seeks Kathy Whitaker Excellence in Aging Service Award Nominations


During her 46 years of service to the First Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability (FTAAAD), including 29 years as director, Kathy Whitaker embodied the commitment to servic

e on behalf of older adults in Northeast Tennessee. In honor of her continuing spirit of volunteerism, the Board of Directors of the First Tennessee Development District has created an award in her name honoring others’ volunteer service in the community to improve the lives of older adults.

We would like to annually recognize volunteers who display the same commitment to seniors in their community by awarding the Kathy Whitaker Excellence in Aging Service Award. If you know an individual who volunteers for one or more organizations or services that assist older adults in Carter, Greene, Hancock, Hawkins, Johnson, Sullivan, Unicoi and Washington County, please nominate them for this award by completing the form below. The deadline for entries will be Friday, March 31, 2023.

To nominate a volunteer, CLICK HERE.

​The award winner will be celebrated at the FTAAAD Annual Conference on Aging in April.



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