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FTAAAD is Working To Address Food Insecurity in NE TN Older Adults


In August through CARES Act funding designed to help mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Tennessee, FTAAAD was able to purchase 4,880 shelf-stable emergency food boxes, which were given to partner organizations across Northeast Tennessee for distribution to food-insecure older adults and adults with disabilities.

These food boxes represented the second round of distribution in less than than a year. In October 2020, FTAAAD received a grant from Meals on Wheels America to purchase 4,250 emergency boxes. These boxes were quickly handed out to older adults in need during the height of the COVID-19 lockdown, and were so helpful that partner organizations continue to request additional boxes.

The current 2021 emergency food boxes were distributed to district senior centers and congregate food sites, as well as to FTAAAD staff who are in regular contact with older adults who are determined to be food-insecure. FTAAAD Options counselors, CREVAA staff and those working with nutrition and SNAP programs all received a supply of food boxes to be handed out on an as-needed basis. The balance of the boxes were provided to Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee to be handed out to at-risk older adults on their food-delivery routes.

If you know of an older adult who may be at risk of hunger, CLICK HERE to learn about the nutrition programs available through FTAAAD. Or call our Information & Assistance line at 423-928-3258 to be screened for the home-delivered meal program.



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